tl;dr - I've been busy.
Moving on.
One of the questions people ask me most often when they find out I'm a gamer is "What's your favourite game?". I thought I'd answer it on this blog as it's quite a long answer, given that there are so many platforms and then there's genres and sub-genres and peripherals which enhance gameplay (Time Crisis, you know what I'm talkin' 'bout) and blah and blah blah blah.

I have a favourite for every platform. Do I list them all? Do I pick one at random? Or do I think really deeply and decide that I probably do have a favourite overall game?
These are quite simply the three games which I will never get bored of.
Pokémon Blue needs no explanation. It is a game of legend. Its imperfections are what made it perfect; the bugs and glitches make it so enigmatic. There is a lot to do, even if it does mean grinding for endless hours, and the storyline is fun, although not as detailed as it could've been. I still enjoy those run-ins with Oak's grandson, particularly when I've given him a rude name.
And to this day, Lavender Town shakes me to the core.
Shadow Hearts is a resonably little-known game published by Aruze and released for the PS2 in 2001. Keep your eyes open for more posts about this game, it is truly one to play. It has a battle system like no other game I have ever played, brilliant (and more importantly, original) storyline which incorporates real historical events and satire throughout. Plus an awesome-cool protagonist named Yuri who is a harmonixer. I have played this game in excess of 30 times and for a while I was helping out a lot around the wiki as well. One time I attempted to write a walkthrough, although when I had a look at Johnathan Sawyer's I gave up immediately.
Red Dead Redemption.. what can I say? I don't know many people who haven't played it, but for anybody that hasn't, think Grand Theft Auto with cowboys. I think this game is Rockstar's finest work. When I first played it, I remember looking at the horse's tail and the graphics just blew my mind. The only reason this game isn't my absolute tip-top favourite is because of the human rights violations made by Rockstar in the run-up to its release concerning overworking their staff. Totally worth it though. I am surprised I like this game so much given that I wasn't a big fan of Red Dead Revolver, it's predecessor, but this game is just wow. I have well over 100 hours of gameplay on my main save file which was spent getting the platinum trophy (my proudest trophy - it took blood sweat and tears). There is just so much to do! The world is expansive beyond belief, with three huge areas to explore. The soundtrack is unique in that it is made up as it goes along (see this video for awesome behind the scenes footage) and is supplemented with great songs by Ashtar Command and José Gonzales. My only issue with this game, and it is a minor one, is that the missions in the beginning are a bit samey. This doesn't bother me that much, but it bothers me when people won't play through the rest of the game because of it. They are missing out on so much.
So this is a semi-in-depth look at my favourite games. Stay tuned for more on the Shadow Hearts series, and again, apologies for not posting for a few days. Have a good Friday =D