Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Progress Report (+ Upcoming articles)

Hi all!
The mind-numbing, draining, "I want to stab myself in the temple with a hidden blade" process of university application is finally over. I am to be studying Games Computing at the University of Lincoln starting September. Yay! :D

As for the gaming side of thigs, this month I have mainly been playing inFamous 2 which I downloaded  from the PS store purely because it was free on PS Plus. And what a pleasant surprise it was too. I love the familiar elements from other popular games such as parkour, yet the fact it has a unique comic-book-like spin on it really made this game stand out for me. I know I'm a bit late with this one, but I'm just amazed. I never would've expected the game to be as good as it is.
In the next couple of weeks I will be reviewing Sleeping Dogs, and also more broadly looking at the third-person action-adventure sanboxy type games and how they have evolved to better suit the modern day gamer. I'm really looking forward to writing the piece, as it gives me the perfect excuse to go back and relive some of the games which have been gathering dust on my shelves. I have to say it is probably my favourite - albeit broad - genre of game. Keep your eyes peeled for these ones!

I'm also confessing that I have pre-ordered Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch and Tomb Raider even though I have no money xD
I highly recommend you download the demo for Ni no Kuni if you haven't already and you're a fan of RPGs.

Over and out!

Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Pokémon Generation 6 (Pokémon X and Y)

Well that video was super exciting! It has been announced by Satoru Iwata (The president of Nintendo) that Pokémon Generation 6 is coming to Nintendo 3DS in October 2013. 

The games will be Pokémon X and Pokémon Y (Already decided I'll be getting X first due to being a girl and loving the colour blue). The logo designs are seemingly based on the new legendary pokémon. At the moment they are nameless, but from the presentation you can see that "X" resembles a buck with rainbow-coloured antlers and "Y" is a red and black flying Pokémon.

I highly recommend watching the video here to get a true feel for what it will be like But I can mention a few things which I've picked up from the video.

  1. New Pokémon. Confirmed pokémon include Chespin, Fennekin and Froakie. These will be the starters - Grass, Fire and Water respectively. I have to say Fennekin is cute as anything, but I tend to pick the water starter.
    There are also two pokémon which I assume are legendaries but they remain nameless.
  2. The game will see a worldwide release date of October 2013
  3.  Iwata commented that we will be able to see some of our old favourites on the 3DS. Whether this means they will be available for wild capture or whether it means not all Pokémon will be available in the game I'm not sure. The trailer shows Patrat, Pikachu and Ralts.
4. Despite every other game being mentioned in the presentation, Emerald was not.

Pokémon Announcement

Big Pokémon news streaming here in 2 minutes. The video can be replayed after the initial broadcast and I will be posting a summary when it's all over. Enjoy :)